As we embark on the Forty Days of Lent, we have another opportunity to renew commitment to God. Let us journey together in loving support for our Sister Parish, St. Pierre, in Baradères, Haiti, during this year’s Secondary School Fund Drive. The goal of this drive is to support the 330 secondary school students, teachers, and staff. Their in-person school year started at the end of October 2020. Fr. Noemi happily informed us that all students in grades 9 and 13 passed their national exams for the school year 2019-2020!!! We were also informed that there are no registered cases of COVID-19 in Baradères, Haiti, a blessing for which we and they are grateful.
We continue to be able to help our Sister Parish because of your great love and support. In late December we wired $37,500.00 dollars to Fr. Noemi. He uses the funds to pay teacher salaries and to provide a hot lunch for the students and faculty members. Fr. Noemi submitted a budget request for the 2020-21 school year of $152,400 of which we are only able to fund 50%.
We know that many are struggling during this pandemic. We continue to lean on the Lord during these times and to be thankful for God’s blessings. Please consider sharing your blessings with our brothers and sisters in Haiti.
Every contribution helps, no matter how small or large. There are many convenient ways to give:
Mail your contribution in the enclosed envelop.
Bring the envelop to Mass on Sunday and put it into the special basket at the back of church.
Contact Faith Direct to add a one-time contribution for our Haiti Sister Parish.
Please make all checks payable to St. John the Baptist Catholic Church and include Haiti on the memo line to ensure it goes to the correct account. If you have any questions, please contact the parish office at 301-622-1122 or by email at [email protected].
We gratefully thank you for your continued prayers & support for our brothers and sisters in Baradères. They sincerely appreciate your faithful gifts that are given for their benefit.